A lab-scale biofilter was run continuously for 11/2 years for combined deni
trification and phosphorus removal. Alternation between anaerobic and anoxi
c (nitrate) conditions was used to obtain an enriched culture of denitrifyi
ng, phosphate accumulating organisms. Batch experiments were performed to t
est the importance of diffusion and zonation in the biofilm. Half- and zero
-order anaerobic phosphate release and anoxic phosphate uptake rates were v
erified, which was taken as an indication of a zonated biofilm.
To investigate the practical applicability of the process, the development
of a computer model is necessary due to the high complexity of the process.
AQUASIM is suitable for this purpose. The model can provide insight into w
hat goes on inside the biofilm and act as a tool when predicting required t
ank sizes, optimal phase lengths and biofilm thickness etc, for a large-sca
le system. For control of the process, on-line measurements and computer co
ntrol of the system are essential.