Purpose: To present results of macular hole surgery without adjunctive trea
tment or routine membrane dissection, but with a long duration tamponade.
Methods: Fifty-one consecutive eyes underwent surgery with vitrectomy. Memb
rane peeling was performed only when traction was obvious. Pure perfluoropr
opane gas was injected as a tamponade followed by prone positioning for two
weeks. All eyes were examined with scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) bef
ore and after surgery.
Results: The macular hole was closed successfully in 48 eyes (94%) after on
e procedure. Visual acuity improved to 0.50 or more in 18 eyes (35%), Impro
vement of two or more lines was achieved in 35 eyes (69%), Two eyes develop
ed retinal detachments and two eyes showed post-operative visual field defe
cts previously reported after macular hole surgery.
Conclusion: In this series the results and complication rates compare favou
rably with other reports of macular hole surgery. However, in contrast to m
any previous studies, membrane peeling was not done. The extent and long du
ration of the gas tamponade was thought to be important for the surgical su