One century of pagers published in the Italian journal of occupational medi
cine, La Medicina del Lavoro, shows clearly that the study of lead is an ex
emplary topic for occupational physicians, enabling them to observe the evo
lution of research in the field of occupational health. The numerous pathol
ogical features of lead poisoning, doctors successive therapeutic responses
, and their gradual development of preventive techniques, form a paradigm t
hat has subsequently been applied to all other fields of industrial toxicol
ogy. The evolution of the study of lead poisoning during this century is a
complete example in the field of occupational toxicology for medical studen
ts: it will stimulate them in applying both clinical and preventive knowled
ge in the field of industrial toxicology. Am. J. Ind. Med. 38.361-367, 2000
. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.