An HPLC/MS/MS method has been developed for the characterization and quanti
fication of the cardiac glycosides oleandrin, odoroside, neritaloside and t
he aglycone oleandrigenin, ail contained in a patented-hot-water extract of
Nerium oleander L (Anvirzel). Qualitative analysis of such extracts was ac
hieved using a hybrid tandem quadrupole time-of-flight (QqTOF) mass spectro
meter. Collision-induced dissociation (CID) mass spectra of oleandrin, olea
ndrigenin, odoroside, and neritaloside were obtained with greater than 5 pp
m mass accuracy and resolution routinely in excess of 8000 (fwhm). The dete
ction limit for oleandrin of 20 pg (injected) was realized when the precurs
or-to-product ion transition, m/z 577 --> 373, was monitored. We have also
applied the analytical method to the determination of oleandrin, oleandrige
nin, neritaloside, and odoroside in human plasma following an intramuscular
injection of Anvirzel.