Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the major immediate cause of sudden cardia
c death. Traditionally, VF has been defined as turbulent cardiac electrical
activity, which implies a large amount of irregularity in the electrical w
aves that underlie ventricular excitation. During VF, the heart rate is too
high (> 550 excitations/minute) to allow adequate pumping of blood. In the
electrocardiogram (ECG), ventricular complexes that are ever-changing in f
requency, contour, and amplitude characterize VE This article reviews preva
iling theories for the initiation and maintenance of VF, as well as its spa
tio-temporal organization. Particular attention is given to recent experime
nts and computer simulations suggesting that VF may be explained in terms o
f highly periodic three-dimensional rotors that activate the ventricles at
exceedingly high frequency. Such rotors may show at least two different beh
aviors: (a) At one extreme, they may drift throughout the heart at high spe
eds producing beat-to-beat changes in the activation sequence. (b) At the o
ther extreme, rotors may be relatively stationary, activating the ventricle
s at such high frequencies that the wave fronts emanating from them breakup
at varying distances, resulting in complex spatio-temporal. patterns of fi
brillatory conduction. In either case, the recorded ECG patterns are indist
inguishable from VE The data discussed have paved the way for a better unde
rstanding of the mechanisms of VF in the normal, as well as the diseased, h
uman heart.