A total of 150 chemically-defined natural and synthetic polyphenols (flavon
oids, dibenzoylmethanes, dihydrostilbenes, dihydrophenanthrenes and 3-pheny
lchromen-4-ones), with molecular weights ranging from 224 to 824, were inve
stigated for cytotoxic activity against normal, tumor and human immunodefic
iency virus (HIV)-infected cells. They showed higher cytotoxic activity aga
inst human oral squamous cell carcinoma HSC-2 and salivary gland tumor HSG
cell lines than against normal human gingival fibroblasts HGF. Many of the
active compounds had a hydrophilic group (hydroxyl group) in the vicinity o
f a hydrophobic group (prenyl, phenyl, methylcyclohexene or methylbenzene m
oiety), similar to isoprenoid-substituted flavones. Substitution of hydroph
obic group (prenyl or geranyl group) did not significantly change the cytot
oxic activity of flavanones, isoflavans, chalcones or 5-hydroxy-3-phenoxych
romen-4-ones. However, the prenylation(s) of art isoflavone and a 2-arylben
zofuran significantly enhanced the cytotoxic activity. Agarose gel electrop
horesis showed that active components induced internuleosomal DNA fragmenta
tion in human promyelocytic leukemic HL-60 cells, but not in HSC-2 cells. M
ost of the polyphenols failed to reduce the cytophathic effect of HIV infec
tion in MT-4 cells.