Context-Cadherins are cell-cell adhesion proteins that act as tumor suppres
sor genes and have a critical role in cell sorting and tissue formation dur
ing organogenesis. The pattern of cadherin expression constitutes a useful
diagnostic and prognostic tool in the evaluation of tumors and for determin
ing the histogenesis of tumor cells. We have previously characterized the c
ell types of several tumors based on the expression of individual cadherins
Objective.-To investigate the expression of cadherins in Merkel cell carcin
Design.-Paraffin immunohistochemical analysis of the 3 best-studied cadheri
ns was performed on 35 cases of Merkel cell carcinoma.
Results.-E-cadherin was expressed in 34 (97%) of 35 Merkel cell carcinomas
examined, N-cadherin was expressed in 22 (63%) of 35 cases, and P-cadherin
was expressed in 15 (43%) of 35 cases. This frequency of cadherin expressio
n was similar to a group of smalt cell and neuroendocrine tumors from other
primary sites. Interestingly, the localization of E-cadherin expression wa
s unique in Merkel cell carcinomas compared with other primary neuroendocri
ne tumors. Merkel cell carcinomas showed marked preference for nuclear vers
us membrane localization, whereas small cell tumors from other sites showed
fewer cases of nuclear E-cadherin expression. The nuclear localization of
E-cadherin did not correlate with cadherin-associated protein beta-catenin
nuclear expression.
Conclusions.-Our findings show that E-cadherin is the most frequently expre
ssed cadherin in Merkel cell carcinoma, followed in frequency by N-cadherin
then P-cadherin. The pattern of nuclear E-cadherin expression is more freq
uent for Merkel cell carcinoma than smalt cell tumors of other primary site
s. These observations suggest that E-cadherin expression and function are a
ltered in Merkel cell carcinoma, and this finding has potential use in the
differential diagnosis of these tumors.