Aciclovir (CAS 59277-89-3) is frequently used in herpes simplex virus disea
ses, but administration to lactating women occurs only rarely. Therefore, i
nformation about the pharmacokinetics of aciclovir in human breast milk is
limited. The concentration in breast milk is 2 to 3 fold increased compared
to plasma. The reason for this increase is unknown until now. An active tr
ansport mechanism has been assumed. The aim of this study was to prove whet
her the higher concentration of aciclovir in human breast milk is due to on
ly a passive transfer. Two chambers separated by a semipermeable membrane w
ere used. The first chamber contained plasma with aciclovir, the second cha
mber breast milk without aciclovir. The increase in aciclovir concentration
in the second chamber was determined. The concentration of aciclovir in br
east milk exceeded that of plasma after 2 h and reached a higher concentrat
ion. Thus, the higher aciclovir concentration in human breast milk is due t
o passive diffusion. No active transport mechanism is needed.