Objective To identify factors independently affecting fetal weight in women
with type I diabetes. Simpson Memorial Maternity Hospital, Edinburgh.
Design Prospectively recorded data in consecutive women with type I diabete
s, between 1975-1992.
Setting Simpson Memorial Maternity Hospital, Edinburgh.
Population Three hundred and two pregnancies with type I diabetes identifie
d before pregnancy, with antenatal care and delivery in the Simpson Memoria
l Maternity Hospital, a singleton pregnancy, and the same diabetic physicia
Methods Normal ranges for birthweight were established for the total hospit
al population. All cases and the total population had pregnancy dating by u
ltrasound. The relation between standardised birthweight and explanatory va
riables was investigated using correlation analysis, t tests and chi(2) tes
ts as appropriate, and subsequently using multiple linear regression. Resul
ts Standardised birthweight in cases, compared with the reference populatio
n,showed a unimodal, approximately normal distribution, markedly shifted to
the right (mean + 1.26 SD). The most predictive variable was glycated haem
oglobin concentration at 27-33 weeks, which explained 6.3% of the birthweig
ht variance, while smoking explained 2.7% and maternal weight 2.0%. There w
as a trend towards a negative relationship with glycated haemoglobin concen
tration at 6-12 weeks. Smoking and glycated haemoglobin concentration were
strongly intercorrelated.
Conclusions Most of the variance in standardised birthweight remains unexpl
ained, but glycated haemoglobin concentration at 27-33 weeks is the most po
werful explanatory variable. Possible reasons why there is not a stronger r
elationship between markers of maternal glycaemia and birthweight are discu