Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) gene-regulatory proteins play important
roles in inflammation, neoplasia, and programmed cell death. Recently, blo
ckade of NF-kappa B function has been shown to result in epithelial hyperpl
asia, suggesting a potential role for NF-kappa B in negative growth regulat
ion. We expressed active NF-kappa B subunits in normal epithelial cells and
found that NF-kappa B profoundly inhibits cell cycle progression. This gro
wth inhibition is resistant to mitogenic stimuli and is accompanied by othe
r features of irreversible growth arrest. NF-kappa B-triggered cell cycle a
rrest is also associated with selective induction of the cyclin-dependent k
inase inhibitor p21(Cip1), with overexpression of p21(Cip1) alone inducing
findings similar to those seen with NF-kappa B in vitro. An active NF-kappa
B subunit expressed in the epidermis of p21(Cip1-/-) mice, however, displa
ys only partial growth-inhibitory effects, suggesting that full NF-kappa B
growth inhibition is only partially p21(Cip1) dependent in this setting. Th
ese data indicate that NF-kappa B can trigger cell cycle arrest in epitheli
al cells in association with selective induction of a cell cycle inhibitor.