A numerical code has been developed to study the wave propagation in crysta
llized dusty plasmas. In the one-dimensional model, we model a very long sy
stem by. a finite number of dusty particles with the periodic boundary cond
ition. Each simulation is characterized by kappa, the ratio of the inter-pa
rticle separation at equilibrium over the Debye length, and Gamma, the rati
o of the characteristic inter-particle Coulomb potential energy over the th
ermal energy of the particles. Viscosity, finite-size effect and the therma
l motion are ignored. Some interesting results have emerge from the systema
tic simulations: 1. The phase velocity of the wave propagation is nearly in
dependent of its wave number at large inter-particle separation, kappa > 2.
0. Thus the disturbance of the Gaussian shape propagates like a solitary wa
ve. 2. The propagation speed v of a Gaussian disturbance is strictly propor
tional to the square root of Gamma. 3. When kappa less than or equal to 2.0
, the propagation speed v (expressed in terms of the thermal speed) of dist
urbance is very well fitted by
v = root Gamma/196 (-17.4 + 41.6/root kappa).
We further observe that solitary-wave-like propagation will appear when onl
y the nearest neighbor force is effective. As the inter-particle separation
becomes smaller, more interparticle forces other than the nearest neighbor
force become effective, resulting in the widening of the difference betwee
n the phase velocities of low and high frequency waves. Therefore, this sol
itary-wave-like behavior does not appear in the wave propagation for small
particle separation. We apply the result of our simulations to examine the
polar mesosphere summer echo (PSME) event reported by Ref 1 [Alcala et al.,
Radio Science, 30, 1205 (1995)].