Diagnostic and therapeutic subjecting of the human brain to electrical curr
ents and magnetic field, such as ECT (electroconvulsive treatment), must ov
erride the brain's natural protection and is therefore potentially hazardou
s. The anatomy of the human head is inappropriate for ECT, mainly because o
f the varying electrical conductivity of its layers. Numerical simulation s
eems a promising tool for improvement of ECT technique. As the physical par
ameters of the tissue and dimensions of the head vary from patient to Patie
nt, the model's designer must average these parameters and make certain sim
plifications. The appropriate level of these simplifications remains to be
determined. Numerical simulations of ECT are presented. The calculations in
volve the finite element model of electrostatic field, using a grid generat
ed on the basis of a realistic, constructive solid geometry (CSG) model of
the human head. The results are compared with those obtained with rite simp
le four-layer model.