At present, when carrying out initial scoping of a project, one of the best
ways to do preliminary designs for complicated separation systems is to us
e residue curve maps. However, in order to compare the different possibilit
ies one needs to do some preliminary costing. As one does not require very
accurate costing at this stage, only wishing to eliminate expensive alterna
tives, one would like to be able to do this directly from the sketches on t
he residue curve maps. This paper presents methods by which this can be don
e. In this paper we have limited ourselves to systems with constant relativ
e volatilities, constant molar overflow and the differential equation descr
iption of the distillation column. It is shown that, for the rectifying sec
tion, by using binary approximations based on the least volatile component,
one can obtain reasonable estimates (within a factor of two) for the numbe
r of stages. This is done by noting that the changes in the least volatile
component are the simplest in nature and using the sum of two binary approx
imations as the final approximation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rig
hts reserved.