Disabled readers exhibit motor timing control (MTC) deficits in bimanual co
ordination relative to average readers. This article evaluates to what exte
nt poor MTC is specific to reading or if it is related to learning problems
in general. Children (7 to 11 years of age) referred for learning impairme
nt (LI; n = 100) and same-age children nonlearning impaired (NLI; n = 243)
performed a paced finger-tapping task. Greater variability of interresponse
intervals was associated with poorer reading, spelling, and arithmetic ach
ievement. The LI group performed more poorly than the NLI group, a differen
ce that persisted even after adjusting for reading skill. poor MTC is assoc
iated with poor reading but may also be a characteristic of children referr
ed for learning problems, possibly signaling increased vulnerability of und
erlying neural integrative processes relevant to the child's adaptation to
academic demands, including reading.