Im. Najm et al., Epileptogenicity correlated with increased N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit NR2A/B in human focal cortical dysplasia, EPILEPSIA, 41(8), 2000, pp. 971-976
Purpose: Human cortical dysplasia (CD) is a frequent cause of medically int
ractable focal epilepsy. The neurotransmitter mechanisms of epileptogenicit
y in these lesions have been attributed to changes in various glutamate rec
eptor subtypes. Increased N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (NR) 2A/B co
assembled with NR1 subunits has been shown in focal epileptic CD, The purpo
se of this study is to correlate in situ CD epileptogenicity and the expres
sion of various glutamate receptor subtypes.
Methods: The histopathological, morphological, and immunocytochemical findi
ngs in cortical tissue resected from five patients with medically intractab
le epilepsy and CD were correlated with electroencephalographic data record
ed from subdural grids. The NMDA antibodies identified subunits NR1 (splici
ng variants 1a, 1b, 2a, and 2b) and NR2A/B.
Results: Epileptogenic specimens displayed the following common features: (
a) widespread histological abnormalities of horizontal and columnar dyslami
nation, neurons with inverted polarity, and more extensive dendritic change
s; (b) significantly higher NR2A/B immunoreactivity in both the dysplastic
somata and all their dendritic processes; and (c) no statistically signific
ant change in NR1 subunit expression but a more pronounced staining of the
epical dendrites in highly epileptogenic cortex. These abnormalities were e
ither absent or minimal in resected specimens that did not show evidence of
severe in vivo epileptogenicity.
Conclusion: These studies provide direct evidence for a major contribution
of the NR2A/B subunit in CD-induced epileptogenicity.