We propose a unified approach to the management and analysis of the functio
n and effects of roads on forested rural landscapes. The approach is based
on considering roads as ecosystems (techno-ecosystems) and conducting analy
ses of road ecology prior to making policy or management decisions. An ecos
ystem approach to road issues has four advantages: (1) allows for the analy
sis of all types of roads irrespective of geographic location; (2) provides
a holistic framework for analyzing all aspects of roads from their alignme
nt to their operation and decommissioning as well as all road functions irr
espective of value judgment; (3) provides a holistic focus to their managem
ent; and (4) supplements landscape management approaches based on spatial c
oncepts. We present five precautions to be considered when evaluating road
ecosystems: (1) identify the type of road under consideration; (2) differen
tiate the effects and conditions of individual road segments from those of
road networks; (3) he explicit about what phase of road development the arg
ument applies because different phases of development have different effect
s on the landscape; (4) ascertain the age of the road and evaluate the degr
ee of landscape adjustment to the road and vice versa; and (5) not to preju
dge human-induced changes in landscapes as automatically good or bad for th
e ecology or economy of a region. This ecosystem focus and guiding principl
es are applied to several issues that road policy and management activities
must address. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.