Growth patterns of four lines of mice selected for body conformation were a
nalyzed with the logistic function, in order to provide baseline informatio
n about the relationship between asymptotic weight and maturing rate of bod
y weight. Two lines were divergently selected favoring the phenotypic corre
lation between body weight and tail length (agonistic selection: CBi+, high
body weight and long tail; CBi-, low body weight and short tail), whereas
the other two lines were generated by a disruptive selection performed agai
nst the correlation between the aforementioned traits (antagonistic selecti
on: CBi/C, high body weight and short tail; CBi/L, low body weight and long
tail). The logistic parameters A (asymptotic weight) and k (maturing rate)
behaved in CBi/C and CBi- mice and in CBi+ females as expected in terms of
the negative genetic relationship between mature size and earliness of mat
uring. An altered growth pattern was found in CBi/L mice and in CBi+ males,
because in the former genotype, selected far low body weight, the time tak
en to mature increased, whereas in the latter, selected for high body weigh
t, there was a non-significant increase in the same trait. In accordance wi
th the selective criterion, different sources of genetic variation for body
weight could be exploited: one inversely associated with earliness of matu
ring (agonistic selection), and the other independent of maturing rate (ant
agonistic selection), showing that genetic variation of Ais partly independ
ent of k.