A murine endothelial cell line was recently established from microvessels t
hat had invaded a subcutaneous sponge implant (Dong, Q. G.; Bernasconi, S.;
Lostaglio, S., et al. Arterioscl. Thromb. Vase. Biol. 17:1599-1604; 1997).
From these sponge-induced endothelial (SIE) cells, we have isolated two su
bpopulations endowed with different phenotypic properties. Clone SIE-F cons
ists of large, highly spread cells that have a relatively slow growth rate,
form contact-inhibited monolayers, do not grow under anchorage-independent
conditions, express elevated levels of thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) and are no
t tumorigenic in vivo. In contrast, clone SIE-S2 consists of small, spindle
-shaped cells that have a high proliferation rate, do not show contact-inhi
bition, grow under anchorage-independent conditions, express very low level
s of TSP-1 and are tumorigenic in vivo. Both clones express the endothelial
markers vascular endothelial-cadherin and vascular intercellular adhesion
molecule-1, but do not express CD31 and E-selectin. In addition, SIE-S2 cel
ls, but not SIE-F cells, express the alpha-smooth muscle actin isoform. SIE
-SE cells, but not SIE-F cells, are able to form branching tubes in fibrin
gels. The SIE-F and SIE-S2 clones, which have properties of nontransformed
and transformed cells, respectively, should provide useful tools to investi
gate physiological and pathological processes involving Vascular endotheliu