Objective: To document the action of dopamine on gastrointestinal motility
in mechanically ventilated patients. Design: Cross-over, randomized, placeb
o-controlled study. Setting: General intensive care unit (ICU) in a univers
ity hospital. Patients: Twelve mechanically ventilated patients in a stable
hemodynamic condition, with no contraindication to enteral feeding. Interv
entions: Dopamine (4 mu g/kg per minute) and placebo were infused over 8 h
(4 h fasting, followed immediately by 4 h nasogastric feeding at 100 kcal p
er hour) on two consecutive days, in a random order. Pressure changes in th
e gastric antrum (four sites) and in the duodenum (two sites) were recorded
by perfused catheter manometry. Each session started with the institution
of dopamine or placebo infusion. Measurements and results: The migrating mo
tor complex and its three successive phases were identified (phase I, perio
d of quiescence; phase II, period of irregular contractile activity; phase
III or activity front, period of high-frequency, regular contractions). Con
tractions and activity fronts at each site were quantified during fasting a
nd feeding. The mean duration of the fasting migrating motor complex was de
termined in the duodenum, as well as the contribution of each phase (phases
I, II, III) to the length of the complete cycle. The propagation character
istics of each activity front were assessed visually. The number of contrac
tions was lower in the antrum (p = 0.024) and phase III motor activity high
er in the duodenum [incidence of activity fronts (p = 0.008); number of pha
se III contractions (p = 0.009)] during dopamine infusion than with placebo
. These modifications observed under dopamine were related to decreased ant
ral contractions during fasting (p = 0.050), increased incidence of activit
y fronts during feeding (p = 0.031), and increased number of phase III cont
ractions during fasting (p = 0.037). In both groups (placebo and dopamine)
activity fronts rarely started in the antrum, and abnormally propagated act
ivity fronts were found in the duodenum in some patients. Conclusions: Low-
dose dopamine adversely affects gastroduodenal motility in mechanically ven
tilated critically ill patients.