The use of various drug delivery systems to achieve high levels of the desi
red antibiotic(s) at the site of infection has become commonplace in orthop
aedic and trauma units the world over. One of these techniques uses the imp
lantation of antibiotic-impregnated beads at operation sites. Commercial an
tibiotic beads such as the gentamicin bead are available but expensive, esp
ecially for patients in developing countries. We have shown that ceftriaxon
e-polymethylmethacrylate beads can be produced locally and at low cost in a
resource-poor environment. We have also shown that such beads elute the an
tibiotic (ceftriaxone) effectively in vitro, achieving similar or better ac
tivity when measured by zones of inhibition against various bacteria specie
s compared with standard antibiotic discs. This technique offers a cost-eff
ective method of treating chronic bone infections in resource-poor settings