This paper offers a systematic approach for obtaining the order of stress s
ingularity for different self-similar and self-affine fractal cracks. Mode
II and Mode III fractal cracks are studied and are shown to introduce the s
ame order of stress singularity as Mode I fractal cracks do. In addition to
these three classical modes, a Mode IV is discovered, which is a consequen
ce of the fractal fracture. It is shown that, for this mode, stress has a w
eaker singularity than it does in the classical modes of fracture when self
-affine fractal cracks are considered, and stress has the same order of sin
gularity when self-similar cracks are considered. Considering this new mode
of fracture, some single-mode problems of classical fracture mechanics cou
ld be mixed-mode problems in fractal fracture mechanics. By imposing a cont
inuous transition from fractal to classical stress and displacement fields,
the complete forms of the stress and displacement fields around the tip of
a fractal crack are found. Then a universal relationship between fractal a
nd classical stress intensity factors is derived. It is demonstrated that f
or a Mode IV fractal crack, only one of the stress components is singular,
the other stress components are identically zero. Finally, stress singulari
ty for three-dimensional bodies with self-affine fractal cracks is studied.
As in the two-dimensional case, the fourth mode of fracture introduces a w
eaker stress singularity for self-affine fractal cracks than classical mode
s of fracture do.