Visual outcomes of 2369 cataract operated persons(3655 eyes) across seven m
ajor Indian states were assessed in 1998. This is the largest ever study ov
er the past decade in the country. 9.54 per cent of the examined population
had undergone operation for cataract in one or both eyes. Intra-capsular c
ataract extraction was the commonest surgical modality adopted (91.62%). In
traocular lens implants resulted in better visual outcomes with 71.4 per ce
nt of such patients achieving a good visual outcome (greater than or equal
to 6/18 in operated eyes). Visual outcome was also good if ICCE operated pa
tients were provided good quality of aphakic spectacles. There were no gend
er differentials in surgical uptake rates. The risk of poor postsurgical vi
sual outcome was strongly associated by type of surgery (Adjusted OR for IC
CE-2.78; 95% CI: 1.41-5.49) and the non-availability or poor quality aphaki
c spectacles (Adjusted OR for poor/no spectacles 4.59-95% CI: 3.53-5.97). D
uration since surgery and the source of surgery did not influence visual ou
tcomes. Half the cataract blind remained unoperated in the study population