Neurogenesis occurs throughout life in the dentate gyrus of hippocampus and
subventricular zone, but this phenomenon has rarely been observed in other
brain regions of adult mammals. The aim of the current study was to invest
igate the cell proliferation process in the ischemically challenged region-
at-risk; after focal cerebral ischemia in the adult rat brain. a reversible
photothrombotic ring stroke model was used, which features sustained hypop
erfusion followed by late spontaneous reperfusion and a remarkable morpholo
gic tissue recovery in the anatomically well defined somatosensory cortical
region-at-risk. Twelve-week-old male Wistar rats received repeated intrape
ritoneal injections of the cell proliferation specific marker 5-bromodeoxyu
ridine (BrdU) after stroke induction. Immunocytochemistry of coronal brain
sections revealed that the majority of BrdU-positive cells were of glial, m
acrophage, and endothelial origin, whereas 3% to 6% of the BrdU-positive ce
lls were double-labeled by BrdU and the neuron-specific marker Map-2 at 7 a
nd 100 days after stroke onset in the region-at-risk. They were distributed
randomly in cortical layers II-VI. Three-dimensional confocal analyses of
BrdU and the neuronal-specific marker Neu N by double immunofluorescence co
nfirmed their colocalization within the same cells at 72 hours and 30 days
after stroke induction. This study suggests that, as a potential pathway fo
r brain repair, new neurons can be generated in the cerebral cortex of adul
t rats after sublethal focal cerebral ischemia.