We recently proposed a theory of mechanism-based strain gradient (MSG) plas
ticity to account for the size dependence of plastic deformation at micron-
and submicron-length scales. The MSG plasticity theory connects micron-sca
le plasticity to dislocation theories via a multiscale, hierarchical framew
ork linking Taylor's dislocation hardening model to strain gradient plastic
ity. Here we show that the theory of MSG plasticity, when used to study mic
ro-indentation, indeed reproduces the Linear dependence observed in experim
ents, thus providing an important self-consistent check of the theory. The
effects of pileup, sink-in, and the radius of indenter tip have been taken
into account in the indentation model. In accomplishing this objective, we
have generalized the MSG plasticity theory to include the elastic deformati
on in the hierarchical framework.