We have studied the self-assembly of amphiphiles over wide ranges of temper
ature and concentration using Monte Carlo simulation of a lattice model int
roduced by Care. A new feature that we have observed is that for all the co
ncentrations studied, the specific heat exhibits a peak as a function of te
mperature. The physical origin of this peak can be traced back to energy fl
uctuations occurring at the onset of micelle formations and can be used to
characterize the critical micelle concentration (CMC). Our observations (i)
that the temperature dependence of the specific heat fits rather well with
the Schottky-type specific heat of a degenerate two-level system and (ii)
that there is the simultaneous appearance of a knee in the cluster distribu
tion function (CDF) explain the underlying physics of identifying the CMC w
ith the appearance of this knee in the CDF, as proposed by Nagarajan and Ru
ckenstein. We show that the various moments of the cluster distribution fun
ctions can be expressed solely in terms of the second moment as predicted b
y a mean-field theory of Blankschtein, Thurston, and Benedek. We also calcu
late the fluctuation in the amphiphilic aggregate sizes and relate our simu
lation results to those from a simple but exactly soluble model proposed by