The angelwing, Pholas orientalis (Gmelin) is indigenous to the coastal wate
rs of the Provinces of Negros Occidental, Capiz and Iloilo in Central Phili
ppines. They burrow into either muddy sand substratum in the littoral zone
or compact bluish-gray muddy sand in the sub-littoral zone. They burrow to
a depth of over 0.3 m and once extracted can never return. Specimens studie
d were invariably dioecious without apparent sexual dimorphism. Sexual matu
rity is reached at a shell length of 59 mm and 64 mm for males and females
respectively. Each sexually mature individual possesses a gonad that is imb
edded in the ventral side of the viscera. Both male and female gonads are a
rborescent in form and have the same coloration. Samples collected from Bar
otac Nuevo, Iloilo showed that the peak of spawning occurred from June thro
ugh October and gametogenesis started in October.