During the TOGA COARE Intensive Observing Period (November 1992-Februnry 19
93), two pronounced Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) events associated with
super cloud clusters and westerly wind bursts were observed. This paper pre
sents a global view of the MJOs including the origin of the super clusters
in the Indian Ocean, their migration into the Maritime Continent and the TO
GA COARE large-scale soundings array (LSA) in the western equatorial Pacifi
c, and their rapid decay over cold water of the eastern Pacific. The struct
ure and evolution of the MJO are examined with emphasis on the coupling bet
ween large-scale motion and convection. Because of differences in propagati
on speeds, the positions of maximum zonal wind perturbations relative to de
ep convection undergo systematic changes during the travel of the MJO. Howe
ver, the centers of deep convection always coincide with those of large-sca
le ascent. The super cloud cluster accompanies a wide area of warm air in t
he upper troposphere. Over the warm pool region the perturbation kinetic en
ergy of the motion in the 30-60-day period range is maintained by the conve
rsion of perturbation available potential energy generated by convective he
ating. Over the central-eastern Pacific, there is strong horizontal converg
ence of wale energy Bur entering the equatorial upper-tropospheric westerly
duct from the extratropical latitudes, suggesting interactions of the MJO
with midlatitude disturbances.