Purpose: Female bladder exstrophy/epispadias has traditionally been approac
hed in a staged fashion. This approach results in a vagina that remains in
an abnormal position on the anterior abdominal wall. We present a surgical
correction of the female exstrophy/epispadias urogenital complex with total
mobilization that returns the vagina to its proper anatomical position.
Materials and Methods: Since 1997, 7 female patients presenting with varian
ts of the exstrophy/epispadias complex have undergone surgical repair using
total urogenital complex mobilization. Of the patients 1 newborn and 2 sch
oolage children had classic bladder exstrophy, 2 schoolage children had clo
acal exstrophy and 2 schoolage children had primary epispadias. Total uroge
nital complex mobilization involved treatment of the urethra and vagina as
a single unit. Complete disassembly of the pelvic diaphragm or floor anteri
or to the rectum was required to reposition the urethra and vagina to their
proper anatomical positions in the perineum. The pelvic diaphragm was then
reconstructed anterior to the urogenital complex to recapitulate the norma
l female pelvic floor anatomy.
Results: All patients have an anatomically correct position of the urogenit
al complex. All the vaginas reached the perineum without the need for skin
flaps. All patients have adequate vaginal caliber without evidence of steno
Conclusions: The female with exstrophy/epispadias has unique anatomical def
ects in the urogenital complex that require special attention. Anterior dis
placement of the bladder, urethra and vagina with concomitant lack of devel
opment of the anterior pelvic floor musculature make a single stage, total
urogenital complex mobilization repair ideal for this population. The resul
ts of this technique have been functionally and cosmetically pleasing. Whet
her repositioning the urogenital complex into the normal anatomical positio
n will improve bladder dysfunction and urinary continence rates, and decrea
se or eliminate the need for future surgery will only be known after furthe
r long-term followup has been completed.