Polymer-stabilized latex dispersions find many applications but our underst
anding of such suspensions is limited; data on well-characterized systems c
an furnish needed insight. To provide this information, the behavior of bar
e particles and particles coated with adsorbed poly(ethylene oxide) was inv
estigated using electrophoretic mobility and photon correlation spectroscop
y measurements. Bare particles show the typical maximum in mobility as a fu
nction of salt concentration; adsorbed neutral polymer reduces the mobility
and suppresses the features. Hydrodynamic size measurements indicate that
the polymer layers are rather thick and almost completely occlude the diffu
se charge. Nevertheless, the particles retain a significant electrophoretic
mobility, indicating that the electrokinetic shear plane is located somewh
ere inside the polymer layer. Comparing experimental results with those fi
om an approximate theory for fuzzy particles indicates that the layer's pri
ncipal effect is hydrodynamic.