A concept of a synchrotron radiation (SR) beam line and illumination system
to be used for extreme-ultra-violet lithography (EUVL) is proposed. The SR
in this case is bending radiation, and the electron energy of a storage ri
ng is 500MeV, the bending magnetic field 1.5T, and the stored current 1A. T
he radiation in 30 degrees is collected by 4 aspheric mirrors and brought t
o a mask ring-field through 4 pieces of multi-layer mirrors and a grazing-i
ncidence mirror. The total power for EUVL is 5.3W. The beam Line design inc
luding vacuum system and radiation shielding structure is studied. The powe
r level at the wafer can be as high as 15 mW/cm(2) depending on mirror coll
ection efficiency and windows to be used.