A 63-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with severe bone pain afte
r about 30 years of anticonvulsant therapy with Primidone. She underwent an
exhaustive examination for all possible causes of bone and back pain inclu
ding colonoscopy, bronchoscopy and magnetic resonance tomography for the sp
inal cord before the real nature of her problem was detected. All she neede
d was a tiny tablet of Vitamin D daily and her chronic pain vanished within
a few weeks. Vitamin D deficiency and consecutive osteomalacia as a compli
cation of anticonvulsant therapy is well known since it has been described
for the first time 1967. This easily treatable sideffect of a medication fo
r which there are about 5 million proscriptions per year in Germany is rare
ly seen and therefor easily overlooked.