W. Xu et al., Stay green trait in grain sorghum: relationship between visual rating and leaf chlorophyll concentration, PLANT BREED, 119(4), 2000, pp. 365-367
Post-flowering drought tolerance is referred to as the stay green trait in
sorghum. Plants with stay green resist drought-induced premature plant sene
scence. In breeding programmes, stay green is evaluated under limited irrig
ation, post-flowering moisture-stress field conditions and visually scored
at or soon after physiological grain maturity. The objective of this study
was to investigate the relationship between the stay green rating and total
leaf chlorophyll content. The parents B35 and Tx7000, and their 98 F-7 rec
ombinant inbred lines were evaluated in replicated held trials under limite
d (post-flowering stress) and full-irrigation (non-stress) conditions. Afte
r scoring the stay green trait of stressed plants, total leaf chlorophyll c
ontents were measured with a chlorophyll meter (SPAD values) and a spectrop
hotometer method. The SPAD value had a significant linear relationship with
total leaf chlorophyll (R-2 = 0.91) and with visual stay green rating (wit
h R-2 = 0.82). Relative water content in top leaves of the stay green lines
was about 81%, much higher than non-stay green lines (38%), indicating tha
t the stay green lines kept the stalk transporting system functioning under
severe drought conditions. The results indicate that visual stay green rat
ings were a reliable indicator of leaf senescence and should be useful to s
orghum breeders in evaluating progeny when breeding for drought tolerance.