This account shows the distribution of elastic elements in hind wings in th
e scarabaeid Pachnoda marginata and coccinellid Coccinella septempunctata (
both Coleoptera). Occurrence of resilin, a rubber-like protein, in some mob
ile joints together with data on wing unfolding and flight kinematics sugge
st that resilin in the beetle wing has multiple functions. First, the distr
ibution pattern of resilin in the wing correlates with the particular foldi
ng pattern of the wing. Second, our data show that resilin occurs at the pl
aces where extra elasticity is needed, for example in wing folds, to preven
t material damage during repeated folding and unfolding. Third, resilin pro
vides the wing with elasticity in order to be deformable by aerodynamic for
ces. This may result in elastic energy storage in the wing.