The sediment-inhabiting:: meiofauna is a major component of benthic ecosyst
ems, particularly in the deep sea. Knowledge on the deep-sea meiobenthos ha
s increased considerably during recent decades, and attempts have been made
to relate standing stocks with various environmental factors. The flux of
organic matter from surface productivity to the seafloor has: been proven t
o exert considerable control on benthic standing stocks. The energy content
of sedimentating organic matter generally decreases with water depth becau
se of degradation processes within the water column. Consequently, benthic
standing stocks decrease with increasing water depth. Generally enhanced de
nsities of benthic animals are to be expected in areas of increased surface
production and subsequently enhanced flux of organic matter to the seafloo
r. Thus, meiobenthic densities and biomasses should show perceptible differ
ences not only with water depth, but also between areas with different prim
ary productivity in surface layers. The objective of this paper is to conde
nse current information focusing on the abundance of metazoan meiofauna alo
ng continental margins, and to compare meiofauna stocks from various climat
ic regions of the world, representing areas of diverse productivity in the
water column. Results clearly demonstrate regional differences on global sc
ale: richer communities were generally found in areas with increased produc
tivity and enhanced input of organic matter to the seafloor. (C) 2000 Elsev
ier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.