Experiential Avoidance is a phenomenon that occurs when a person is unwilli
ng to make contact with particular private experiences (sensations, emotion
s, thoughts, memories) and attempts to change to way or the frequency of th
ese events and the context which gives rise to them. Acceptance, as a strat
egy for change, consists of nor avoiding, controlling or changing the eleme
nts that form part of the psychologically traumatic event. An example is pr
esented of a client who shows experiential avoidance, and of ways to promot
e acceptance through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. This form of therap
y is intended to treat the excessive response to cognitive and emotional co
ntents, and lack of skill in making a commitment to change. The different p
hases of treatment are described, as are the results of the intervention, w
hich were maintained for more than 1 year.