According to the comparator process hypothesis (Matute, Arcediano, & Miller
, 1996), cue competition in the learning of between-events relationships ar
ises if the judgement required involves a comparison between the probabilit
y of the outcome given the target cue and the probability of the outcome gi
ven the competing cue. Alternatively, other associative accounts (the Resco
rla-Wagner model: Rescorla & Wagner, 1972) conceive cue competition as a le
arning deficit affecting the target cue-outcome association. Consequently,
the comparator process hypothesis predicts that cue competition occurs in i
nference judgements but not in contiguity ones, for only the first type of
judgement implicitly involves such a comparison. On the other hand, the Res
corla-Wagner model predicts cue competition in both inference and contiguit
y judgements, because it establishes no relevant role for the type of judge
ment in producing cue competition. In Experiments: 1 and 2 we manipulated t
he relative validity of cues and the type of question (inference vs. contig
uity) in a predictive learning task. In both experiments cue found a cue co
mpetition effect, but no interaction between the relative validity of cues
and the type of question, suggesting that the Rescorla-Wagner theory suffic
es to explain cue competition.