The break-up of a stratospheric streamer over the British Isles is describe
d, using satellite, Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere (MST) radar and in
situ observations together with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Fo
recasts analyses. The streamer started as a thin ribbon of high potential v
orticity to the west of the British Isles. As this was strained by the back
ground flow it broke up into a series of mesoscale vortices. MST radar and
ozonesonde observations delineated a tropopause fold to the west of the ini
tial streamer, taking the form of a thin layer of stratospheric air embedde
d in a deep layer of descending upper-tropospheric air. The fold appears to
have been mixed out by small-scale turbulence as the streamer broke up. Th
is break-up also generated strong inertia-gravity waves, which broke just a
bove the tropopause introducing extensive mixing to the lowermost stratosph
ere. One of the mesoscale vortices returned over the MST radar, showing a v
ery indistinct tropopause typical of a synoptic-scale cut-off low. This Vor
tex was also responsible for the development of a rain band on its eastern
flank, which brought significant rainfall to the British Isles at a time wh
en the synoptic flow pattern was strongly anticyclonic.