The physical principle of convective quasi-equilibrium proposed by Arakawa
and Schubert states that the atmosphere is effectively adjusted to equilibr
ium by an active role of convective heating against large-scale forcing (ph
ysical convective quasi-equilibrium, or PCQ). A simple consequence of this
principle is that the rate of change of the thermodynamic field (typically
measured by the convective available potential energy (CAPE)) is much small
er than the rate of change of the large-scale forcing (diagnostic convectiv
e quasi-equilibrium, or DCQ). Such a diagnostic state is generally observed
in the tropical atmosphere at the synoptic-scale, and this is often taken
as a proof for the physical mechanisms behind Arakawa and Schubert's convec
tive quasi-equilibrium: however, theoretically, there are several alternati
ve physical mechanisms that are also able to establish this diagnostic stat
The paper examines the approach of the tropical atmospheric system to DCQ w
ith increasing time-scale in order to distinguish various alternatives to P
CQ. The latter predicts that the system approaches DCQ exponentially with a
time-scale characteristic of convection. However, the alternatives conside
red in the paper predict algebraic asymptotes to DCQ with increasing time-s
care. First it is demonstrated that PCQ is not required to achieve DCQ by c
onsidering a linear primitive-equation system with arbitrary convective hea
ting, in which the roles of convective heating and large-scale forcing are
completely reversed; algebraic asymptotes are achieved. An even simpler ana
logue is to assume that the rate of generating CAFE is controlled by white-
noise forcing. More generally, such an algebraic asymptote is obtained by a
ny system with a power-law spectrum both for CAFE and large-scale forcing,
although a restriction must be applied to ensure a decreasing asymptote wit
h increasing time-scale.
The approach to DCQ is examined for both the Maritime Continent Thunderstor
m Experiment data and cloud-resolving model simulation data, and both indic
ate no tendency for exponential adjustments in the short time limit.