The spectra of turbulence signals can be characterized by several independe
nt scales. To provide a parametrization of these spectra requires knowledge
of the relationships between these scales. This paper focuses on three ind
ependent scales: the integral scale (which is influenced by the low-frequen
cy behaviour of the spectral; the wavelength of the spectrum peak (which ch
aracterizes the energy-containing domain); and the dissipation scale (which
is relevant for the inertial subrange). First, we present definitions of t
hese various scales, and the possible relationships between them. The profi
les of the scales were computed from airborne measurements made in the atmo
spheric mixed layer over the open ocean, in a region where horizontal homog
eneity can be assumed, at least for several tens of km. Furthermore, the di
urnal cycle being Very weak in this oceanic area, and aircraft moving at hi
gh speed through the air mass, stationarity is well verified on the runs, a
nd Taylor's hypothesis may be used. The meteorological conditions correspon
d to a slightly unstable mixed layer, with weak to moderate winds. in a fir
st part, we analyse the integral scales of various parameters on a 180-km r
un and demonstrate that these parameters cannot be computed with any soundn
ess from horizontal-wind, temperature and moisture signals, because of the
continuous increase in the spectral energy when moving towards lower freque
ncies. For the same reasons, the spectrum peak and the corresponding wavele
ngth cannot be determined for these parameters. The computation of the inte
gral and energy-containing scale is therefore restricted to the vertical ve
locity, and to the various covariances. The turbulence field is characteriz
ed by a stretching of the eddies along the mean wind direction which result
s in greater integral and energy-containing scales (but not in greater diss
ipation scales) when computed for along-wind runs than for the cross-wind r
uns. The profiles of the various scales increase with altitude and are well
defined in the lower half of the mixed layer, but are much more scattered
in the upper half. This behaviour is related to the source of turbulence, w
hich lies in the surface buoyancy flux in the lower half of the mixed layer
and comes from higher altitude sources in the upper half. The integral sca
les have values comparable with those found in previous work, except for pa
rameters related to temperature fluctuations, which have lower values. The
ratio of the energy-containing scale to the integral scale, which determine
s the sharpness of the 'spectral knee', varies considerably from one parame
ter to another, and sometimes with altitude. This demonstrates that a singl
e unique parametrization cannot be defined for turbulence spectra. As a con
sequence, the eddy-exchange coefficients, which depend on a characteristic
length-scale, should vary from one parameter to another. This would then ha
ve to be taken into account in model parametrization based on mixing length