This paper addresses projected image distortion in a. cinema setting. Sever
al types of distortion are defined and examples are presented to show that
the degree of distortion in the image can be calculated based on theater ge
ometry as well as film format and projector lens specifications. This paper
concentrations on inherent distortion values that typically affect the ove
rall shape of the picture area and the relative shapes of all subjects bein
g viewed, as well as the audience's perception of imaged picture quality,.
Since distortion changes only the shapes of objects in the picture and not
how well the viewer can see them, there is little basis for objectively der
ived design limits. Further, when viewing a real scene that does not contai
n a perfect rectilinear test grid the eye accommodates small amounts of dis
tortion, which is therefore knot perceived. However, moderate to severe amo
unts of distortion, and particularly distortion in memory objects such as n
ln ed horizons and learning or curved flagpoles, is disturbing to viewers.