The process of hydrostatic adjustment to horizontally homogeneous heating i
n a stably stratified atmosphere of arbitrary thermal structure is investig
ated in the limit of small perturbations. A linear differential equation is
derived for the vertical pressure distribution in the final balanced state
. Solutions of this equation are compared with the time dependent solution
which is found by numerically integrating the equations in time. During the
process of hydrostatic adjustment acoustic-buoyancy oscillations are gener
ated. The amplitudes of these oscillations become so great that static inst
ability is generated at heights above 100 km, depending on where and how ab
ruptly the heat is added. As a crude representation of the unstable breakdo
wn and damping of these waves. Rayleigh damping is introduced. If the assoc
iated damping coefficient in the upper atmosphere is sufficiently large (gr
eater than the Brunt Vaisala frequency), the oscillations vanish. Below a h
eight of about 50 km the steady state predicted by the above mentioned diff
erential equation is reached approximately in 10 min.