Programmed cell death or apoptosis is central both in physiology during dev
elopment and in disease. The mechanism of apoptosis is under the control of
antiapoptotic survival genes of the Bcl-2 family and proapoptotic death re
ceptors of the TNF superfamily (Fas, TNFR, TRAILR). Following death signal,
the death receptor binds to its own receptor and initiates, through bindin
g of adaptors, a cascade of events mediated by the autoproteolytic activati
on of specific enzymes called caspases. This enzyme activation is ultimatel
y responsible for the dissembly of basic nuclear and cytoplasmic cell struc
tures leading to cell death. In certain cell systems, antiapoptotic genes o
f the Bcl-2 family prevent the proapoptotic pathway. One of their roles is
to maintain mitochondrial function integrity. In autoimmune destructive thy
roiditis high levels of apoptosis have been demonstrated particularly withi
n the destructed follicles near the infiltrated areas in comparison to Grav
es' disease and non autoimmune glands. In Hashimoto's thyroiditis Pas expre
ssion has been found increased on thyrocytes and in vitro can be modulated
by proinflammatory cytokines. Fast expression on thyrocytes remains controv
ersial. Thyroid cells from Graves' disease and multinodular glands are know
n to kill Pas expressing target cells although Hashimoto's thyrocytes are n
ot efficient effector cells. Intrathyroidal lymphocytes from Hashimoto's th
yroids maintain functional killer activity. These findings would suggest th
at intrathyroidal lymphocytes could be responsible for thyrocyte death in v
ivo. Whether this mechanism is Fas/FasL, TRAIL/TRAILR dependent can not be
confirmed as specific blocking reagents were not able to inhibit cell induc
ed death. In Hashimoto's thyroiditis an impairment of Bcl-2 and Bcl-X antia
poptotic genes on thyrocytes has also been detected. Bcl-X expression can b
e down-regulated in vitro by incubation with cytokines. These findings sugg
est that thyrocyte death may not exclusively be the result of specific inte
ractions between death receptor and their ligands but it may involve simult
aneous impairment of protective genes of the Bcl-2 family. Whether the impa
irment of the Bcl-2 family is a direct consequence of environmental stimuli
or is the result of an intrinsic thyrocyte (mitochondrial?) alteration is
as yet not known.