We present a method to predict the capture efficiency of a 25-m, 5-mm mesh
seine net as a function of fish size and taxon from a diverse fish communit
y. This allows true abundance and size distribution to be estimated from ob
served catches. Predicted capture efficiency from an empirical model of fie
ld calibrations from the Amazon River floodplain was a positively skewed, u
nimodal function of fish length, whose magnitude depended on method of sein
e operation and fish taxonomic group. Capture efficiency is the product of
efficiency of encirclement as the net is laid (which decreases with increas
ing fish size) and efficiency of retention as the net is hauled (which incr
eases with increasing fish size). Retention was determined by modeling mark
-recapture data. Dividing observed capture efficiency by this retention yie
lded empirical encirclement efficiency, which was then compared with encirc
lement efficiency determined from a simulation model of fishes' evasive beh
avior. The simulation accounts for the fishes' swimming speed relative to t
he speed of deployment of the seine, threshold distance (how close the dist
urbance from laying the net must be to initiate evasion), appraisal time (h
ow long a fish continues evasive behavior when it moves outside the thresho
ld distance), and the directionality of evasive movements. Simulated result
s of encirclement efficiency corresponded to empirically based predictions
within plausible ranges of the simulation variables above, although for fis
h of length exceeding about 50 cm there is a high coefficient of variation
in captured biomass due to small numbers and low catchability. We conclude
that the method can be used for a wide range of conditions to convert seine
capture data to unbiased estimates of abundance and size distribution, but
that empirical determinations will still be needed for different net speci
fications and sampling conditions.