BACKGROUND: To further improve the safety of the blood supply, various nati
onal blood transfusion organizations presently use or are in the process of
implementing routine HCV NAT in minipools. According to the Committee for
Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP) of the European Union, the HCV NAT de
tection limit of the assay should be 100 IU per mt (270 geq/mL) for testing
initial plasma pools. Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) regulations stipulate t
hat 5000 IU per mL (13,500 geq/mL) must be detected to calculate the amount
contributed by individual donations composing the minipool. The sensitivit
y for HCV RNA extraction achieved by three commercially available laborator
y kits was compared.
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Nucleic acids from 1-in-3 serial dilutions of an
HCV RNA run control (Pelispy, CLB) were extracted with three kits (Cobas Am
plicor, Roche Diagnostic Systems; BioRobot 9604, Qiagen; and NucliSens Extr
actor, Organon Teknika). HCV PCR of all extracts was performed using a seco
nd-generation Cobas Amplicor HCV test and the Cobas Amplicor analyzer.
RESULTS: The manual Cobas Amplicor, the BioRobot 9604, and the NucliSens Ex
tractor setups allow a 95-percent HCV RNA detection limit of 129, 82, and 1
2 geq per mt, respectively. The maximal pool size for the manual Cobas Ampl
icor, the BioRobot 9604, and the NucliSens Extractor kits that would still
meet the PEI criteria for HCV NAT in minipools was calculated at 104, 164,
and 1125 donations, respectively.
CONCLUSION: All three HCV NAT kits evaluated meet the criteria set by CPMP
and PEI. The highest sensitivity for HCV NAT screening can be achieved with
the high-volume NucliSens Extractor method in combination with the Cobas A
mplicor HCV v2.0 test on the Cobas Amplicor analyzer.