Although capture-recapture techniques are often used to estimate population
size, these approaches are difficult to implement for a wide variety of sp
ecies. Highly polymorphic microsatellite markers are useful in individual i
dentification, and these 'molecular tags' can be collected without having t
o capture or trap the individual. However, several sources of error associa
ted with molecular identification techniques, including failure to identify
individuals with the same genotype for these markers as being different, a
nd incorrect assignment of individual genotypes, could bias population esti
mates. Simulations of populations sampled for the purpose of estimating pop
ulation size were used to assess the extent of these potential biases. Popu
lation estimates tended to be biased downward as the likelihood of individu
als sharing the same genotype increased (as measured by the probability of
identity (PI) of the multi-locus genotype); this bias increased with popula
tion size. Populations of 1000 individuals were underestimated by greater t
han or equal to 5% when the PI was as small as 1.4 x 10(-7). A similar-size
d bias did not occur for populations of 50 individuals until the PI had inc
reased to approximately 2.5 x 10(-5). Errors in genotype assignment resulte
d in overestimates of population size; this problem increased with the numb
er of samples and loci that were genotyped. Population estimates were often
>200% the size of the simulated populations when the probability of making
a genotyping error was 0.05/locus and 7-10 loci were used to identify indi
viduals. This bias was substantially reduced by decreasing genotyping error
rate to 0.005. If possible, only highly polymorphic loci that are critical
for the identification of the individual should be used in molecular taggi
ng, and considerable efforts should be made to minimize errors in genotype