Crop processors on forage harvesters have become readily available and wide
ly used by north American livestock producers. Past research has shown that
intensive mechanical processing at the time of cutting can improve the fib
re digestibility of alfalfa and grasses, and questions have surfaced as to
the potential effectiveness of a crop processor on a forage harvester to al
so improve the animal utilization of wilted forages. processing wilted alfa
lfa with crop processing rolls was effective in increasing the level of pla
nt tissue disruption, as quantified by leachate conductivity, by more than
30% in all cases and similarly reduced particle-size from the theoretical-l
ength-of-cut. processed material was visibly darker and more bruised than c
ontrol treatments. Processor roll clearance and cutterhead theoretical-leng
th-of-cut had a greater effect on crop physical properties than did process
ing roll speed difference. processing wilting alfalfa increased harvester e
nergy requirements by 36 to 113% depending upon crop moisture and the feedi
ng characteristics of the processing rolls as affected by the aggressivenes
s of the tooth profile. Processing wilted alfalfa increased the crops in si
tu dry matter disappearance at 12 and 24 h by greater six percentage units
and increased the instantly soluble fraction by up to seven percentage unit
s. however, processed alfalfa did not affect lactation performance of Holst
ein dairy cows.