Coral communities worldwide are undergoing intense degradation in response
to natural and human disturbances, and many reef systems have already exper
ienced significant declines in live coral cover associated with an increase
in macroalgal. abundance. Here, we document the seasonal dynamics of the m
acroalgal communities of the Northern Florida Reef Tract, providing a basel
ine for long-term studies of coral-algal competition in the area.
Both macroalgal biomass and percent cover on reefs showed an increasing tre
nd from January to July, when both light and temperature conditions were fa
vorable for growth. Maximum percent cover (56.7%) was found in July and min
imum levels in December (25.8%). During these peaks in algal cover, many co
rals were completely covered by dense mats of algae. Two genera, Halimeda a
nd Dictyota, represented the largest proportion (77-99%) of the total algal
biomass. In the summer, Dictyota spp. dominated the algal community, occup
ying up to 40% of the reef bottom with a dry biomass of up to 20 g.m(-2). I
n addition, two species, Stypopodium zonale and Trichogloea requienii, show
ed a significant bloom in April 1998, covering a significant percentage of
the bottom (up to 25%) at an inshore reef. Species that exhibited rapid spa
ce monopolization on Florida reefs, such as Dictyota spp. and Stypopodium z
onale, also showed rapid growth in microcosm and field growth studies.
No correlations were found between fish grazer abundance and algal biomass
or percent cover, indicating that present grazer population abundance and c
omposition are not adequate to prevent space monopolization and coral overg
rowth by algae such as Dictyota spp. and Halimeda spp. Only a continued mon
itoring effort will determine whether the seasonal dynamics of the algal co
mmunity may result in the decline of coral populations in the Northern Flor
ida Reef Tract.