Twenty-two pianists, classified into four levels of skill, were asked to le
arn and memorize an assigned composition by J. S. Each (different for each
level). All practice was recorded on cassette tape. At the end of the learn
ing process, the pianists performed their composition in a recital setting.
The resulting performances were evaluated Lv three experienced piano teach
ers. From the cassette tapes, values for the quantity of practice were obta
ined. These values were compared across all four levels of skill and examin
ed to reveal whether they were related to quality of performance. The analy
ses indicate that the standard deviations of the amount of time spent in ea
ch practice session increased systematically with level of skill and that p
ianists at higher levels spent more time in each practice session. Quantity
of practice, however, was not significantly related to quality of performa
nce. Rather, pianists who employed longer practice segments by the middle s
tage of practice produced better musical, communicative and technical perfo
rmances. These findings stand in defiance of the argument that quantity of
practice is the fundamental determinant of the quality of performance. Inst
ead, they suggest that the content and quality of an individual's practice
must be examined when investigating the determinants of musical skill.