Effect of host and larval frass volatiles on behavioural response of the old house borer, Hylotrupes bajulus (L.) (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae), in a wind tunnel bioassay
R. Fettkother et al., Effect of host and larval frass volatiles on behavioural response of the old house borer, Hylotrupes bajulus (L.) (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae), in a wind tunnel bioassay, CHEMOECOLOG, 10(1), 2000, pp. 1-10
In a wind tunnel bioassay the effect of three concentrations of natural ext
racts of (1) Scots pine wood, Pinus sylvestris, and (2) larval frass on the
behavioural response of unmated females and males of the old house borer,
Hylotrupes bajulus, was tested and compared to the behavioural effects of t
he male-produced sex pheromone (3R)-3-hydroxy-2-hexanone. The influence on
the behaviour of both sexes was found to be equally significant for the two
higher concentrated hexane extracts of wood and larval frass. Therefore se
veral synthetic monoterpenes present in the extracts and ethanol were teste
d at the two higher concentrations (1:100, 1:1000 vol/vol). Among the highe
r concentrated monoterpenoid hydrocarbons [(+)-alpha-pinene, (+)-beta-pinen
e, (+)-limonene], only alpha-pinene increased the activity, orientation tow
ards scent source and interest towards conspecifics. The tests with higher
concentrated ethanol and the oxygenated monoterpenes [(-)-verbenone, (-)-tr
ans-pinocarveol, (+)-terpinen-4-ol, (+)-alpha-terpineol, (-)-myrtenol] reve
aled that verbenone is the most effective stimulant for the females, follow
ed by trans-pinocarveol, terpinen-4-ol and alpha-terpineol. For males, terp
inen-4-ol was the only mediator significantly inducing attraction and orien
tation towards the scent source combined with an interest in conspecifics a
pparent by fighting or courtship behaviour. Males did not respond to verben
one which is a main compound of larval frass. Myrtenol and ethanol were ine
ffective in both sexes. In fact behavioural observations suggest that the b
eetles were repelled by the high dose of myrtenol. Using the ten-fold lower
dose of the synthetic monoterpenes (1:1000 vol/vol), all semiochemicals ex
cept myrtenol lost activity. Myrtenol, however, induced behavioural respons
es, like increased activity and orientation towards scent source, only at t
he low concentration. Based on the results, primary attraction of unmated o
ld house borer is probably mediated by monoterpenes of coniferous wood, whi
le secondary attraction to infested wood would occur in response to volatil
es of larval frass.