We studied the prognostic value of angiogenesis grading and microvessel den
sity estimation in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma, Seventy-five patients
with newly diagnosed myeloma, treated on Eastern Cooperative Oncology Proto
col E9486 and Intergroup study 0141 (S9321) at the Mayo Clinic, were studie
d. Bone marrow microvessels were examined using immunohistochemical stainin
g for von Willebrand factor. Determination of microvessel density and angio
genesis grading,vas done in a blinded manner. There was a strong correlatio
n between microvessel density and the plasma cell labeling index, rho 0.42,
P < 0.001. Angiogenesis grade,vas also significantly associated with the p
lasma cell labeling index. Fifteen % of patients,vith low-grade angiogenesi
s had a high labeling index (>1%), In contrast, 47% of patients with interm
ediate or high-grade angiogenesis had high labeling indices (P = 0.02), Ove
rall survival was significantly different among those with high-, intermedi
ate-, and low-grade angiogenesis, with median times of 2, 4, and 4.4 years,
respectively (P = 0.02), Similarly, patients with microvessel density >50/
x400 field had poorer survival compared with those with 50 or fewer microve
ssels/field, median survival 2.6 versus 5.1 years, respectively (P = 0.004)
, There was a strong association between angiogenesis grade and microvessel
density (P < 0.001). We conclude that bone marrow angiogenesis is a predic
tor of poor survival in newly diagnosed myeloma, Angiogenesis is correlated
with the plasma cell labeling index but not the bone marrow plasma cell pe
rcentage. A simple visual grading of angiogenesis is an efficient alternati
ve to microvessel density estimation.